Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Letter Home- March 10th, 2014

We don't have dinner appointments too often in this ward. It's definitely not like my last ward where we had the next month completely filled out before I left! It's getting better though. I really just like having a good home cooked meal. I've been living off cereal lately since we just don't have time to make lunch and dinner. Too much to do here in Lakewood! 

We were able to be a part of two baptisms this weekend. J__ and P__ are two UBCs (separate families) that we have been working with for a while. I had the opportunity to confirm J__ (kind of spur of the moment type of thing - his dad got really nervous and asked me to do it), so that was cool. 

For p-day today we are planning on playing sports at the stake center like usual. We aren't allowed to be together with the sisters except for twice a transfer (safety thing) so it's just gonna be us elders today. 

That's ok though, we have great guys in the zone. Oh, I'll be sending home a box of some stuff I just haven't used in a while so be looking for that.


Elder Burton

Letter Home- March 3rd, 2014

We've had some good miracles this week :) We have two people on date for this weekend, and the zone all together has 5 people that are to be baptized on Saturday. It's gonna be a crazy day with only one font! It's way exciting though.

I've been thinking a lot about the future lately and how I can keep progressing. I realized that my mission ends when the Prophet says so, but I don't have to stop being a missionary. This truly is a lifestyle and I know that the world will overtake a few things, but I don't want it to control every aspect of my life. I don't know what to do about college. I think it would be best for me to go straight to school, but then I'd have to come home early. I'll talk to Pres Weaver soon and see if I can shorten my mission just a bit... I think I'll need to be around all of those RMs to help me stay sane...

You're right, time is flying by way to fast. I can't believe I've already been out 18 months.... It's so scary, but I know there are so many people that will be there for me when I get home. I've already decided to leave a lasting impression in the Wa-Tac... still thinking on how though...

Let's get this college stuff going just in case :)


Elder Burton

Letter Home- February 24th, 2014

I'm glad y'all had fun in OK! I wish I could have been there. Man, Monika went all out on Lukas' birthday! 

Ok, I'll confess, all I remember is the fact that she got Rudy's. Mmm....

Lukas sounds so smart! I'm sure he's gonna be a completely different person than who I remember when I meet him again. So excited!

Ha, I still haven't tried the jerky. I'm sure it's good, I've just been a little hesitant! I'll overcome my fears though! I love you and I hope you have a great week :)


Elder Burton

Letter Home-February 3rd, 2014

Transfer Buzz!!! So, I'm gonna be going to Lakewood as the ZL over there and I'll have three companions (a zone leader comp and then two "boys") - just like B-Town! I'm way excited because Elder Bowen is gonna be my district leader. He and I requested to serve together, but at least we're in the same zone :)

I'm way sad to leave Olympia, but Lakewood is such a good area. There are so many people just waiting to hear the gospel there, so it'll be fun. Olympia 2nd has been my favorite area so far. The people here are so good and the members just get the whole vision of hastening the work. I have to say goodbye to a lot of people today.... not my favorite thing to do. BUT, my ward mission leader is taking us to get sushi for dinner tonight. Ha, totally worth it.


Elder Burton

Inline image 1

Monday, December 23, 2013

Letter Home- December 16th, 2013

Sorry to hear that you aren't feeling well. Hopefully you get over it in the next few days!
Elder Lonas is going home on Wednesday. It's so sad! He and I have become really good friends. It's been hard preparing for his farewell. I think this is gonna be a sad transfer meeting. 

So, Lonas and I had an incredible miracle this past week. We have been working with this investigator named ***** since I came into the area. She has been reading the Book of Mormon and is in 2 Nephi now and has gone to church every week I've been here. She's even gone to 2 or 3 baptisms, but she just wouldn't commit to being baptized herself. Well, we stopped by Wednesday morning to read some of the Book of Mormon with her and we asked her if she had been praying about the Book of Mormon and about baptism. She really shocked us with her answer: "No. I guess I forgot all about that!" After a bit of chastising on our part we committed her to pray about baptism for that weekend. She said that she had some other issues on to deal with (family problems), but that she would try, but not commit. We left a little disappointed, but came back the next day to check up on her. She invited us inside and said "I've cleared up my schedule so I can be baptized. Is this Saturday ok with you?" DUH. We were so freaking excited! Well, of course Satan got to working right then. We found out that the water heater at the church had broke a few days prior so the water was FREEZING. We spent all day Saturday boiling water and filling the font pot by pot. In the end the water was still cold, but not nearly as bad as it could have been. Oh man, I just love miracles :)

Oh, and last night we got a call from a PMF saying that their 9 year old son wants to be baptized in a few weeks. Ha! We'll start teaching him tomorrow.

Can't wait to talk to you next week. Love you!

Elder Burton

Letter Home- December 2nd, 2013

Whoa, it is not 3 weeks until Christmas. That's just not possible! 

Do you mind sending me the addresses of all of your Sisters? I need to send them Christmas cards. Don't worry, yours in on the way :)

So we had a really weird experience this past week. Last Tuesday the Sisters gave us a call letting us know that a family was at the hospital and was requesting a priesthood blessing. It was a life or death situation so we drove over as fast as we could, but it was too late. We walked into the room and met two grieving parents over the loss of their 8 year old son. He went into cardiac arrest and had passed 30 minutes before we arrived. I've never felt so helpless or questioned why bad things happen to good people so much in my life. The worst part was the boy was just laying there on the table and we didn't know what to say. After a little while we were able to give the father a blessing and assist him in giving a blessing to his wife. That was the most powerful experience I have ever been a part of. I've never truly felt how much our Father in Heaven loves his children until that moment. The Spirit was so strong. I'll never be able to forget that experience. 

Other than that, this week was pretty typical. Oh wait, I just lied. We actually had a baptism on Saturday! ***** (from Yugoslavia) was baptized Saturday morning and confirmed Sunday morning. Missionaries have been working with her on and off for about 12 years, but Elder Lonas and I were here when she was ready to be baptized. It was great! She even got up and bore her testimony yesterday. Gotta love the way the gospel changes lives.

I guess I'll be talking to you in 3 weeks! Love ya and I'll talk to you soon :)

Elder Burton

Friday, November 29, 2013

Elder Burton's New Niece- Mikaela

Elder Burton became an uncle again on October 27th. Mikaela was born at 3:05 PM at 7 lbs. 3 ounces and 21 1/2 inches long. She is the newest member of our family and is excited to meet her Uncle Mathew in September!